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Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear 2F

The following are emails that some of you have written to exhibit care towards some people.

I've selected some that are worth commending and a few 'interesting ones'.

Enjoy reading =)

You’ve got mail! :)

Email 1:
Jane, a seven-year-old girl, who became an orphan after her parents passed away in an accident


It’s good that you’ve managed to find someone to talk to about this. To me, losing parents is the worst thing that could happen in life. Try to be more close to your aunt. Express more of feelings especially your fear being in the car. That way you could lead on a better life and focus on your future.

See you!


Life has to carry on as per normal. Believe in yourself and you will never fade away. Obstacles are challenges which we have to face, never run away. Be bold, be strong and hope will always lie within you.


Dear Jane

How are you? I have heard of your loss and feel sad about it. Losing someone who has been extremely close to you is also hard to accept. Cherish the people around as this is a chance to see whom you can rely on. Keep the memories and never forget them.

Tzhi Hzin

Dear Jane

How are you doing now? Hope you are doing fine. I’m sorry about what happened to your parents but everything happens for a reason. I think your parents wouldn’t like to see you cry all the time so cheer up!

Pray for them every night and always remember them deep inside your heart. We cannot go back to the past so look forward and start a new path.

You can always contact me whenever you’ve got problems =)

Cheer up girls! Take care


Email 2:
Jie Ming, a 14-year-old boy whose family suffers from poverty.

Be happy. Money is not everything. All that is important are your health and a happy family.


Hi Jie Ming

I am glad to hear that you understand your parents and you are happy using the computer in the library. I heard that you like to listen to traveling stories. Well, I have traveled to countries like China, Hong Kong and Malaysia etc. These countries have very interesting cultures and cuisine. I thought you would like to read one of my stories and some of the pictures that were taken during the trip. So I have attached the story as well as the pictures.


Email 3:
Nurain, an eight-year-old girl who suffer from a terminal illness.

Dear Nurain,

How are you? I hope you are doing well. Nurain don’t be disheartened. I know that it is very hard to take the pain of the needles but it is all for your own good. The nurses are just trying to help you to recover faster. Just bear with it. It is only a matter of time and you will be okay soon

Take care and never lose faith.


Dearest Nurain,

The injection sure hurts a lot. But eventually, your illness will clear up. Don’t forget that the best medicine in the world is sour. You can’t get well without an injection.

Well, I suggest that when the nurse does an injection for you, you relax your muscles and perhaps look away. Because when you are frightened your muscles get tense up and becomes very hard and therefore, the injection would be more painful. And if you look away from the needle, you will not sere the needle being poked into your skin and therefore you’ll not be so frightened.

Hor Yi

Email 4:
Mr Kwan, an 84-year-old resident in the old folks’ home, who feels lonely as his children have abandoned him.

Subject: Practise, practice


I will email you back and chat with you. Would you care to tell me which old folks’ home you are saying in so that I can visit you during the weekend or probably even after school. It’s good that you are learning to use the computer. Probably when I visit you, I can teach you to use some software. I am glad and happy chatting with you. Keep up the good work with learning computer. Probably you can email me a date that is convenient for me to visit you.

Take care =)

Shi Mei

Some ‘interesting’ ones…

Subject: I’ll be here for you

Fight the terminal illness. I’ll be here for you. You will never be alone. Let’s fight this illness together. Me and you! Freedom, justice!

Hi Muthu! How are you?

Life is unfair, don’t you know that? Don’t be sad, life is like a road where there are ups and downs.

Hopefully you will experience the up soon.

Okay, I end here. Have a nice day!

Hi, how are you?

Terminal illness is nothing. Everyone will die. It is just a matter of time. When you die earlier you will be able to die with your young and pretty face. Take care and loves (:

6:22 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2F .

Reminders :
Science [15/08/08]
-the experiment
*write up
*graph for the data

Maths [18/08/08]
-the graph
*5 graphs using excel
*reasons for choosing topic
*presentation board the size of 2 vanguard sheet

Literature [21/08/08]
-the horses of the sun
*photos of acting
*four - six panels with speech bubbles

DnT [21/08/08]
*do on board


Phrasal Verb (English) [15/08/08]

Maths Common Test [18/08/08]

*Please remember to pass the projects before or on the deadline
and Revise for the coming exams .

Have enough sleep (:

take care


7:45 PM

Dear 2F

Your maths common test 2 is coming up. Please do study for it. I know you all can do it! =)

Date: 18 August 2008


(1) Pythagoras' Thereom
- a2 + b2 = c2

(2) Statistics
- stem and leaf diagram
- dot diagram
- averages: mean, median, mode
- grouped mean

(3) Functions & Quadratic Functions
- y = mx + c
- finding gradient of a line
- solving quadratic equations
- drawing a quadratic graph
- finding min/max point
- line of symmetry

*Do not forget that you'll have to hand in your statistical poster on 18 August 2008 as well

Ms Toh

7:43 PM