This blog belongs to class 2F[toof@08]
the rules are very simple
No spamming is allowed in this blog
No Vulgarities Please !
Happy viewing!

escape from class



January 2008
February 2008
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June 2008
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August 2008
September 2008

Now playing: true friends by Hannah Montana True friend by Hannah Montana.mp3 -

Design : chinhwee
Coding : Slippedaway
Brushes and font from : Juvenile Casualty
Saturday, June 28, 2008

hel0 toofs!errr,if u r free or wad,do help benjamin to do de quiz on drugs!
he requested to post tis up!
please go to http://www.sana.org.sg/badgeproject
the badge id that is required at the end of the quiz is 2008061039
de badge id is very important,dun type wrongly.
if you had attended this course which is de SANA Badge project before,please dun take the quiz!..if not,please do help out by doing it!thanks..

n another note:there will be maths test on mondae,30th june!on pythagoras' theorem!please study it!..n aso,there will be cip on mondae!..de discussion for our cip activities when we about to do at de elderly home!so sch will be till 5pm!.or lata![if it delays]

ok,end here!enjoy ur weekends!!..class photos will be posted when i hav it!!>..any1 gonna scan it?:P..enjoy!!

9:46 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dear 2F
Here's the timetable for next Term.
Please bring the necessary materials for lesson on Monday

Monday: English, Science, Maths, CEP, MT, ADH, IT lesson.

For a better view please refer to asknlearn.
Enjoy the last two days ofyou holidays!

See you guys on Monday :D

Miss Toh

3:04 PM